Friday, 29 March 2013

Friday Favourites

Blog Love:

Please remember to check out my Link Love page as well!

Other Things I've Been Loving:

Band of the week: My Chemical Romance! I just had to after their break up. Favourite songs are I'm Not Okay (I Promise) the anthem to my teenage years, Headfirst for Halos , Famous Last Words and (from their slightly marmite-ish Danger Days album) Planetary (GO!)

Holland and Barrett for their amazing products and frankly stellar customer service!


Being ill. I have a stinking cold and I'm not impressed :(


  1. Mm, Holland and Barrett I love!

    1. They are awesome, I wish they were cheaper though

  2. Thanks for the mention lovely, I can't believe that post got that much attention when I'd rushed it through tear-blurred eyes that night! H&B are lush but it's a shame everything seems ridiculously overpriced, when I have a craving for sliced coconut I don't expect to pay through the nose for it! Best of luck with the cold, I've had mine for 8 days now and I'm still sniffing like nobody's business :/ xxx

    1. Fingers crossed! I have a perma-sniffly nose, it's the sore throat and splitting headache I'm not happy with! xD
      I agree about the price of Holland and Barrett things, I mostly buy things I can't get elsewhere from them. They do have good offers though, and are the cheapest for Miracle Noodles (especially with the BOGOHP and free delivery they had recently)

  3. nice :)

    hi ^^ i found your blog in #bbloggers blog hop
    do you want to follow each other on bloglovin and gfc?
    let me know ^^ visit my blog ^^

  4. Hope you feel better soon! I've just gotten over my last cold, it lasted for two weeks and nearly drove me insane! I love Holland and Barrett, shame it's so expensive!

    1. I know, at least they have good deals! Fingers crossed for the cold, it's the headache and sore throat making me feel worst. I'm used to a sniffly nose xD

  5. Thanks for the mention dear!

    It's too bad about MCR. I am glad I saw them in concert last year at least! They remind me so much of my high school years!

    1. No problem!
      All my old favourite bands seem to be splitting up, it's kinda sad really.

    2. That is so true. But I guess all good things must come to an end. And you can always find new great bands! I go to concerts at least once a month, so I am always finding great bands that I had never listened to.

  6. Literally had NO idea MCR split - used to love them!
    I may follow suit!
    Natalie xoxo
    The Blonde Ethos

  7. Thank​ ​you​ ​for​ ​bringing​ ​more​ ​information​ ​to​ ​this​ ​topic​ ​for​ ​me.​ ​I’m​ ​truly​ ​grateful
    and​ ​really​ ​impressed.​ ​​ ​Absolutely​ ​this​ ​article​ ​is​ ​incredible.​ ​And​ ​it​ ​is​ ​so​ ​beautiful.


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