Friday, 24 May 2013

Black Rose Minerals Swatches

Ages ago I ordered from Black Rose Minerals, grabbing their 15 samples for $12.00 pack. TAT at the time was 14-28 days, I ordered on the 26/03 and it was shipped by 16/04, well within TAT. And yes, ages ago like I said. Everything was packaged really nicely and I also go two free samples [with a lovely note and a tonne of stickers and glitter! :D]. It's the little touches like that which make me feel really important and like the seller really cares about their customers.

Seriously, sweetest thing ever.

The samples I ordered are:
Ein, Faye, Jet, Spike, One Does Not Simply..., Scruffy, Thirteen, Lunar Reflection, Unicorn, Sirius, Synth Pop, Scarab, Skink, Annabelle Lee and Pacific Oil Slick.
The two free samples I was sent were Scabbed Wings and Stardust.

I'm splitting the swatches into two posts, so first up I'll show you Faye, Ein, Spike, Jet, Lunar Reflection, Sirius, Annabelle Lee and One Does Not Simply...
All swatches were taken in natural light over Pixie Epoxy. Shade descriptions in italics are taken from the Black Rose Minerals website.

Black Rose Minerals Space Cowboys

These shadows are all part of the Space Cowboys collection, based on the awesome anime Cowboy Bebop

Faye- An amnesiac turned bounty hunter, Faye was swindled into picking up the debt for another con-artist upon waking up from a mysteriously long stint as a human popsicle. Sexy, treacherous and sarcastic, Faye is a true anime icon. Our inspired color is a light and airy yellow with a delicate red duochrome highlight. Sheer and sexy, this shade is great for a highlight color both wet or dry. Or use it to give an edge to a neutral nude!
Black Rose Minerals Faye
Black Rose Minerals Faye Swatch

Ein - The super smart experiment Corgi escaped and worth unknown sums, Ein is the lovable yet indispensable sidekick. Best friend of Edward, he’s got a sweet face you just can’t deny. Our version of Ein is a smooth light gold that shimmers with a touch of golden shimmer. Sheer both wet or dry, you can layer it to get a more solid golden sheen. 

Black Rose Minerals Ein
Black Rose Minerals Ein Swatch

 Spike - Our fearless hero himself, Spike rocks the James Dean cool in space. How else could you make smoking work in zero gravity? Our inspired color is based on Spike’s ever changing scruffy hair. A deep forest green that shimmers with green sparkles, we definitely recommend to wear this one with a sticky base to show off the glittering beauty of it. 

Black Rose Minerals Spike
Black Rose Minerals Spike Swatch

Jet - The glue that holds the group together, Jet is the gruff but loveable figure that has a built in animatronic arm and leg. “Retired” cop, Jet keeps the ship running and the gang focused on the next job. Our inspired color is based not only on his hair color, but based on his arm and leg. A deep sparkling pewter/deep silver. This one pops with silver sparkles and we recommend a sticky base to see the full effect. True to color both wet or dry, wearing wet deepens the pewter tone and showcases the sparkling highlights. 

Black Rose Minerals Jet
Black Rose Minerals Jet Swatch

Lunar Reflection - This is one of the shades created for Luna at toxid-lotus. A delicate sheer silver/gold with red, silver and gold shimmer. In certain angles it will look more silver and in other angles more gold. Sheer dry, more opaque with a primer and shines with a sticky base. from the Luna collection

Black Rose Minerals Lunar Reflection
Black Rose Minerals Lunar Reflection Swatch

Sirius - A smoky grey base with heaps of green sparkles. It looks like ground up emeralds. A bit sheer when worn dry and wet will bring out all the green highlights. Best worn with a sticky base to keep those sparkles in place. from the cat inspired collection Meow Meow Meow

Black Rose Minerals Sirius
Black Rose Minerals Sirius Swatch

Annabele Lee - Don't cry! This gorgeous shade will console you! A slightly deep bright ocean blue with copper sparkles to represent the gritty dirt that churns within the sea after a storm. Excellent color coverage wet or dry. We do recommend a sticky base on this one. from the Edgar Allen Poe inspired Collection of the Perverse

Black Rose Minerals Annabele Lee
Black Rose Minerals Annabele Lee Swatch

One Does Not Simply... - The eldest and favorite son of the Steward of Gondor. Also known as a great warrior. A member of The Fellowship. He blew the Horn of Gondor to warn his companions of the arrival of the Orcs. Sadly it would be his last. His last words to Aragorn in the movie, "I would have followed you, my brother; my captain; my king." Inspired by his clothing in the movie. We made a maroon flecked with green sparkles. Great coverage both wet or dry. from the Lord of the Rings inspired Collection to Rule Them All

Black Rose Minerals One Does Not Simply...
Black Rose Minerals One Does Not Simply... Swatch

Favourites are: Faye, Ein and One Does Not Simply...

Everything seen can be purchased from Black Rose Minerals
Sample baggie: 1/8 teaspoon. $1.00
Sample jar: 1/4 teaspoon in a 3 gram jar. $2.50
Full jar without a sifter: approximately 3/4-1 teaspoon. $6.00
Full jar with a sifter: approximately 1/2-3/4 teaspoon. $6.00


  1. I want them all, they are all beautiful, especially Sirius!

  2. I LOVE the geekiness of these! Cowboy Bebop FTW!
    Annabele Lee is such a gorgeous blue <3


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate everything you guys have to say and I shall endeavour to reply as soon as I can! If you need a swifter reply please feel free to email or contact me on twitter @katiefrank_x