Friday Favourites
Blog Love:
- Just go and read
The Teetotal Alcoholic
and watch the videos and thank me later. Addiction is misunderstood
and I think Sami is amazing for recovering and even more amazing and
brave for writing such an open and honest post about it.
- I think this post from Fashionxox1 on
how Vitamins can help your skin
is really interesting. And a reminder I need to eat better.
- Klaire De Lys is super talented and
creative and I am head over heels in love with this
Seven Deadly Sins, Greed
she created
- I've been loving The Crumpets Gelly
Week, but I think this
gradient look
has to be my favourite.
Other things I've been loving this
Oh gosh, you've made me turn bright red!!! <3 xx