Monday, 3 March 2014

No 7 Twinkle Glitter

No 7 Twinkle Glitter Swatch

I picked this polish up in the January sales for £3 from my local Boots [can you tell I'm really behind?]. It caught my eye straight away, I mean, look at those flakies! So pretty. It's a gorgeous topcoat which glows blue/silver/white when the light catches it, a bit like ice or snowflakes. Bit of a pain to remove, but otherwise gorgeous.

I mean look at it in the bottle!

No 7 Twinkle Glitter Swatch
It's pretty in the shade, but when the light hits it...

No 7 Twinkle Glitter Swatch
This is two coats, as the flakies are a bit sparse and can be a pain to get in the right places on the nail. Worth it.


  1. flakies are so gorgeous, especially over a beautiful dark blue like that one!

    1. Yeah, I do love flakies. I wish we had more brands that put them out here in the UK. I think the base polish was Barry M Navy (I swatched a while ago and I've got a memory like a goldfish, but that's what it looks like ^.^;;)


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