may not be American but as I shall be in the States for Thanksgiving
and it's never a bad thing to give thanks every now and again (I do
love Leona
and Sophie's
Thankful Thursday posts). So here are a few of the things I've been
thankful for this year.
Employment. Aka my
PhD. Okay it's really hard and it makes me upset more often than not,
but I'm thankful for something meaningful (kind of) to do with my
days and I'm super tahnkful for the regular pay.
Conventions. This
sounds weird as they're something I sink a lot of money into, but I
wouldn't have it any other way. Without conventions I would rarely
have anything to look forwards to and I wouldn't have met some of the
most awesome people and greatest friends I've met in years.
My Grandparents. They
might be getting demented (have been for years) but they're both
still alive and after the scare my Grandad gave me last Christmas
that's one of the greatest things I could ask for. Given that my
Grandad is nearly 91 (will be in January) I think that he's doing
My privileges. That
probably sounds like a terrible thing to say but I can't think of a
better way to say it. I know I'm really lucky and have a lot of
privilege (as the internet likes to say) associated with being white
and cis-gendered and fairly middle class, and while I wish that
others also all got the same kind of treatment and advantages I do I
am thankful for the advantages I do have. You can't help the
advantages you are born with and I think recognising them and being
thankful for them is important.
The internet. I
wouldn't have half the knowledge or friends I do without the
internet. It's been an eye opener, a lifesaver and just generally a
great thing to make use of, and that was just the past year. Who
isn't thankful for this awesome piece of technology?
What are you thankful for?
I'm giving thanks to you right now for brightening up my day with a cute little Christmas card ;) I haven't written mine yet but you're top of the list! x