Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Birthstone Series: January Garnet

I didn't make this, credit goes to

Hey look, a new series! I hoping this gives me a little more inspiration and as I'll be doing a different gemstone (and therefore a different look) every month, it will *fingers crossed* mean I get at least one makeup look uploaded on here a month :)

First off is January and the stone for January is the Garnet.
For those who were born in the month of January the garnet is the traditional birthstone. The January birthstone poem reflects some of the properties with which the garnet is associated - purity, truth, faithfulness and friendship. The Traditional Metaphysical Properties for the January Birthstone Garnet are  awareness, commitment, regeneration, insight and removing negativity. The healing properties of the January birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to the blood, heart, lungs and infection. The garnet is also used to enhance sensuality and sexuality. From Birthday Gems

For this look I used Fyrinnae's Scarlet Macaw on the inner corner, Victorian Disco For The Horde over the lid and  Black Rose Minerals One Does Not Simply in the outer corner and crease. The liner is Victorian Disco Kidnap Sandy Claws mixed with Makeup Revolution Aqua Seal (I prefer ELF's Lock and Seal but shhh)


  1. This is such a stunning look, I can't wait to see more of this series x

  2. Oh, this is so well done and executed. Really lovely!

  3. Ohh, I love this. Can't wait until you get to July!

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you :) July will be fun, I'll have to see if I can find a way of making a totally different look with the same basic colour idea


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