Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Birthstone Series: February Amethyst

image from here

Second month, second look in the birthstone series. This is my birthday month and my birthstone, the Amethyst! 
For those who were born in the month of February the Amethyst is the traditional birthstone. The February birthstone poem reflects some of the properties with which the Amethyst is associated - stability, peace, balance, courage, inner strength, sincerity and a calm disposition. The healing properties of the February birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to the withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction,  headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues and general healing. The Amethyst is also referred to as the the "sobriety stone" as it was once believed to prevent drunkenness and used to treat alcoholism and other types of addictions. via

For this look I used Shiro Alkahestry in the center of the lid and inner corner, with Geek Chic Bad Wolf over the rest of the lid and blended out past the crease. On the outer corner and in the crease I tried to add a little darkening with Fyrinnae Mystical Hedgehog.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate everything you guys have to say and I shall endeavour to reply as soon as I can! If you need a swifter reply please feel free to email or contact me on twitter @katiefrank_x