Blog Love:
- Morag wrote an amazing post on wellness this week, with some utterly fantastic tips
- Leona's post this week about Rex jumping in the shower with her made me chuckle
- Ms Hirons wrote an amazing post on the trials of being a woman in the workplace
- Want to know how to create your own eyeshadows? Working with Monolids shows you how
- We should all be kinder to ourselves. Gio shared this wonderful post on ways to practice body love, something I need tp get much better at (and I feel a fitting post to share during EDAW)
- I really do like Harry Potter (I should get around to sharing my Florida Harry Potter pictures shouldn't I?) and I utterly love animals, so you can imagine how jealous I am of the pictures from the Harry Potter Studio Tour Animal Actors that Becky shared!
Other things I've been loving this week:
- Old English insults are the best insults
- Loving the Bloglovin' Collections! I started one full of Blogging Tips and Ideas, you can check it out here
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