Friday, 13 March 2015

Friday Favourites

Blog Love:

  • This post from Morag for International Women's Day is one of my favourite things I've read all year. She embodies a lot of what feminism means to me and I nodded along reading that post so much. You should all read it. You really should.
  • Kirsten posted this gorgeous atom nail art and it was an instant hit for me, how could I not love it? Atoms! I'm such a dork. She's also done molecules here and argh, so in love, so need that plate!
  • I am more than my vagina. Some posts you just have to read. This is one of them.

Other things I've been loving this week:

  • Thanks to Morag I learned all about a non-animal medical research charity. (Personally there are humans out there I wouldn't mind companies testing on, but that's by the by).
  • I started watching Young Justice and it's not half bad, most of the episodes are on Youtube here too


  1. that vagina post XD <3

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate everything you guys have to say and I shall endeavour to reply as soon as I can! If you need a swifter reply please feel free to email or contact me on twitter @katiefrank_x