Monday, 11 March 2013

Project No Buy: Week Five

Incomings and Outgoings

Job Applications: +£0.10
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Bad Habits: -£1.00
Spending: -£1.89

Total: -£2.59

Reading: +£1.00
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Tidying/Organisation: +£0.10
Spending: -£28.86 (£25.49 was makeup >.<)

Total: -£27.56

Job Applications: +£0.80
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10

Total: £1.00

Job Applications: +£0.30
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Tidying/Organisation: +£0.50
Spending: -£22.46 (Victorian Disco order)

Total: -£21.46

Reading: +£2.00
No Smoking: +£0.10
Theory Revision: +£0.50
Blog: +£0.20

Total: £2.80

Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Bad Habits: -£1.00

Total: -£0.80

Job Applications: +£1.00 (PhD application)
Blog: +£0.20
No Smoking: +£0.10
Theory Revision: +£1.00
Bad Habits: -£1.00

Total: £1.30


Money Spent: £56.21
Money Earned: £8.90
Total for the week: -£47.31
Total in the monthly haul fund: £

I don't know whether it's hormones or just utter stupidity and lack of self control, but this week has been AWFUL. And those spends... argh. Still, I kind of don't regret the makeup ones. I got two more Colour Tattoo and a tonne of Barry M nail paints as well as the Victorian Disco, and well... other than one shade of Barry M which looks suspiciously like a Ciate Paint Pot I own and as long as the Victorian Disco shadows look just as good on me as they do swatched online, I will love all of them. Perils of being a Beauty Blogger I guess.

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