Monday, 18 March 2013

Project No Buy: Week Six Over and Out

So yeah, I'm dropping out. I've not been doing well and what with several things going on in my life (including the end of therapy) it's better that I not focus on beating myself up for what I have/haven't done, especially after last weeks catastrophic spends. I'm not doing great on many levels (I took up smoking again for one) and this feels a lot like a jump-on-the-bandwagon thing.

Sorry to disappoint anyone if I have, I may be back at a later date, but for now this is the last No Buy update from me.

Incomings and Outgoings

Job Applications: +£1.00
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Bad Habits: -£1.00

Total: £0.20

Reading: +£1.00
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10

Total: £1.20

Interview: +£1.00
Tidying: +£1.00
Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10
Bad Habits: -£1.00

Total: £1.20

Blog: +£0.10
No Smoking: +£0.10

Total: +£0.20

Interview: +£1.00
Tidying: +£2.00
No Smoking: +£0.10
Theory Revision: +£0.50
Blog: +£0.10
BadHabits; -£1.00

Total: £2.70

Blog: +£0.20
Tidying: +£1.00
Cigarettes; -£7.00

Total: -£5.80

Blog: +£0.20
Tidying: +£2.00
Bad Habits: -£1.00

Total: £1.80


Money Spent: £11.00
Money Earned: £12.10
Total for the week: £1.10

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