Friday, 17 May 2013

Friday Favourites


Blog Love:

Awesome tutorial from Hanna on how she makes her amazing eye designs.
I love all the looks Nancy at Dark Side of Beauty did for her Diablo III series, this compilation post shows them all.
I love holographic nail varnish and The Holo Queen showcases some of the greatest.
This Star Trek: Into Darkness look by Unique Desire is amazing. I kind of want to rock something similar when I go see it with my mum, but I think she'd disown me =p
Please if you have some spare change knocking around consider donating to Thoughts of a Lunatic to help her fix a tooth that sent an infection to her brain.

Other things I've been loving this week:

Nerding out over Firefly references in Castle with this video


  1. Awesome faves! I love Kassie's looks, the Star Trek one was so unique~


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate everything you guys have to say and I shall endeavour to reply as soon as I can! If you need a swifter reply please feel free to email or contact me on twitter @katiefrank_x