Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekend Wishlist

  1. "People Skills" teeshirt - I have a teeshirt obsession of late, and no people skills myself.
  2. "You Can't Take The Sky From Me" bracelet - Bracelets and Firefly (and never forgiving FOX)
  3. Batty Leggings
  4. Incendiary Glitter Grenade Glitter obsession continues with style. Firey glitterz
  5. Conventions – I went to an anime one years ago which was fun regardless of how out of my depth I was. Lately I've been watching videos from Asylum and Jus In Bello, and Vampire Ball. I'm a dork.

Mostly I want my makeup and blogging mojo back and for my headache and toothache to poof  (I lost a filling, I'm too scared to fix it).
And a stable mood would be nice.

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