Monday, 13 May 2013

Geek Chic Big Damn Heroes Swatches

I swatched three of the shades from this collection, Ambassador, Captain Tightpants and Inevitable Betrayal here, way back in February when I got them. I finally picked up the last two shades, Very Fine Hat and Little Albatross so here are some solo swatches of those two and then the whole collection swatched together.

All swatches were done over Pixie Epoxy and photos ere taken in natural light. Descriptions in italics have been taken from the Geek Chic Cosmetics website.

Little Albatross a deep, steel-blue with blue and silver sparkles. The sparkliest of the bunch.
"Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck 'til some idiot killed it. Morbid and creepifying, but brilliant nonetheless. Also, she can kill you with her brain."
Geek Chic Cosmetics Little Albatross
Geek Chic Cosmetics Little Albatross Swatch
This shade is inspired by River Tam, one of the protagonists of the show. A kick-ass, completely insane genius.

Very Fine Hat - a very blackened, dirty gold, just right for the sad little king. Deep and dark with a golden sheen lurking beneath.
"Badger is a businessman, a fine upstanding gentleman with roots in the community and yes - a very fine hat. He also got his hands on a couple of diamonds the size of- well, you know."
Geek Chic Cosmetics Very Fine Hat
Geek Chic Cosmetics Very Fine Hat Swatch
This is inspired by the awesome Badger, played by the even more awesome Mark Sheppard.

And here are all of the shades swatched together, from right to left: 
Ambassador, Captain Tightpants, Very Fine Hat, Inevitable Betrayal, Little Albatross
Geek Chic Big Damn Heroes Swatch

Everything can be purchased from the Geek Chic Cosmetics site, and all of these shadows are from the Big Damn Heroes Collection.
Full sizes: $5.99
Samples: $1.25
Whole Collection: $23.96 [here]

I can't pick a favourite from this collection, all the colours are amazing.

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