Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Geek Chic Summoners and King of Hell

More Geek Chic Cosmetics swatches! This time three shadows from the newest collection Summoners and my free sample which was King of Hell from the Superneutrals collection [which happened to be on my wishlist, so that makes it even shinier].

All swatches were done over pixie epoxy and photographed in natural light. Descriptions in italics are taken from the Geek Chic Website.

1000 Needles - a gorgeous grassy green with a soft layer of golden sheen and subtle golden shimmer to it.

"What can we say about the Cactuar? The average Cactuar encounter involves a whistle, a lot of running and a fountain of little "1"s popping all over your characters as they get pelted with hundreds of tiny needles. It's so easy to underestimate the little guy, and nothing stings like getting killed by something that cute."

Geek Chic Cosmetics 1000 Needles
Geek Chic Cosmetics 1000 Needles Swatch

Hellfire - a mysterious and translucent soft maroon that ignites with a fiery red and orange glow when light hits it. It shimmers with embers of red, orange, and flashes of purple.

"Ifrit is one hot Djinn. You'll earn the horned beast's respect if you don't sic Shiva on him. "The flames of hell turn all to dust. Power will decide the victor."

Geek Chic Cosmetics Hellfire
Geek Chic Cosmetics Hellfire Swatch

Tidal Wave - a medium sea blue with a floating green sheen. It is sprinkled with sea green and aqua sparkle

"The source of many-a-bad-day for sailors everywhere, Leviathan isn't unreasonable... he just doesn't like being messed with. Which is too bad, because it happens a lot. Whether it's a summon gone wrong (IX), diplomacy gone wrong (XI) or an attack gone wrong (IV), Leviathan is always around to make the best of a bad situation... usually by drowning it in torrential waters."

Geek Chic Cosmetics Tidal Wave
Geek Chic Cosmetics Tidal Wave Swatch

King of Hell - a luscious charcoal base with reddish-pink fire and pops of red and orange sparkle. Very good for a truly smoky eye.

“Don’t worry about … what, like Lucifer didn’t worry? Or Michael? Or Lilith? Or Alastair? Or Azazel didn’t worry? Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?”

Crowley is what happens when no-one is paying attention. From a plain and simple tailor, to a demon, to crossroads demon, to king of the crossroads, to king of hell. He's really moved up the ladder. You go, Crowley. Four for you, Crowley. He isn't going to let it get to his head, though. He still has those 'denim-wrapped nightmares' to worry about. Those Winchesters are like weeds.

Geek Chic Cosmetics King of Hell

Geek Chic Cosmetics King of Hell Swatch

All of these shadows can be purchased from Geek Chic Cosmetics
Full Size: $5.99
Sample: $1.25

My favourites from this lot are Hellfire and King of Hell. Which are yours?

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