Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Battle of the Five Armies look

This is the look I wore to go see The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies just before Christmas. I couldn't 100% remember what I used to put this together, but I pieced it together from the makeup I took home with me.

Used: Victorian Disco Helga as the gold in the center, Victorian Disco Godric on the inner and outer corners, Shiro The Last Homely House in the crease and blended out above it. Glitter is Victorian Disco UAV. Brows are Victorian Disco Salazar and Rowena (mostly Rowena). The liner is Extreme Liner from Collection 2000, the mascara is Maybelline Collosal.

I later pretty much recreated it using slightly different products:

Didn't get a good picture but this was Meow Hieroglyph and Aromaleigh Rubicante, and Victorian Disco Salazar brows.

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