Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Hannibal Inspired Look

promo image (c) NBC

This week sees the final episode of season three of Hannibal, which might well be the last episode ever of the show (though, fingers crossed someone like Netflix or Amazon picks it up. Fannibals are pretty awesome.). Over the past two years Hannibal has been one of my favourite new shows. I was skeptical at first - the show was advertised as a crime drama and I'm not a huge fan. However I love it! Hannibal is dark, clever, twisted, gory and so, so beautifully shot. The cinematography and soundtrack are utterly beautiful. I can't say enough good things about the show, though obviously it comes with the warning that this is Hannibal. Things are pretty violent and gory, and of course there's cannibalism, if there wasn't this would be the wrong show. 

Without further ado on to the makeup...

Used: Black Rose Minerals Skink and My Pretty Zombie Trepanation on the lid, with Geek Chic Antequarian on the other corner. For the crease I blended out Geek Chic Born Under A Bad Sign both in and above it and Geek Chic We Are Coming I used for the actual crease colour itself, as well as a little on the outer corner of the eye to give it shape. The red liner is Shiro Heart Attack.

I wanted to go for something subtle and more work appropriate for the lid colour, to represent Hannibal's "people suit". The smart, affable exterior he plays to keep other people from working out what he really is. The crease is dark to represent the darker, more evil thing that lurks under the people suit. The 'Nightmare Stag' as he is represented in the show. Both for Hannibal and Will Graham. The red liner is, I imagine fairly obviously, there to represent the blood and murder of the show and also it makes a fitting tie in for this season which is based around the Red Dragon.

So that's everything. What do you think? Are you a fan of Hannibal?

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