Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Rimmel Apocalips Galaxy Review


The Basics:

It's the End of Colour as you know it! 
The intense rich colour of a lipstick, enhanced by a satin smooth shine. 
It's neither a lipstick nor a gloss... It's BIGGER than both! 



First things first the packaging. I like it, the meteor themed top of the tube is pretty and unique among the various (um, five) glosses that I own. I do also like the applicator, it's a doefoot but with a dent in the middle so it holds more product. The colour of this one is stunning as well, a lovely wearable purple with microglitters! Glitter! I think this is the only one of the Apocalips that has glitter, but I could be wrong. Anyway it's a win with me, and not massive or abrasive either. I haven't found this to be massively drying, not compared to many of my lipsticks anyway, but it is drier than your average gloss. The wear time isn't great I'll admit, less than an hour on me, but if you view this more as a gloss it makes sense and isn't too bad. People have complained about the scent of these, but I really don't mind it. Maybe that's just me.


Highly pigmented. Glitter. Pretty packaging.


Poor wear time. Some might dislike the smell. More drying than a gloss.

Where to Buy:

Available at Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, Asda, ASOS and Semichem priced at £5.99


  1. Great review lovely.. I wish the scent was different :( otherwise I think they're my perfect lip product :D xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Yeah, I know some people hate the smell. Honestly I don't mind it, but I like the smell of hairdye so I guess I'm pretty weird with smells xD

  2. The colour is very pretty. But only one hour of wear is very disappointing.

    1. it may just be me and my lip product killing ways, all the other reviews I've seen have lasted longer

  3. I kinda like the smell myself, and for what it's worth I found the Apocaliptic colour to last at least a few hours - maybe the pigments are different?

    I've given you a versatile blogger award, check out the post here! x

    1. Thank you lovely!
      It might just be me, I think my superpower is making lip products disappear xD


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